Tuesday, May 18, 2010

7 Videos That Disney World Doesn't Want You to See

Disney World is the ideal vacation spot for families. Sure it's a little expensive, but you will earn major points with your kids. It is a family friendly image that the Walt Disney Company goes to great lengths to protect. With that in mind, today's Big, Stupid List may get us on some watch lists in Orlando and Anaheim. Here are seven videos Walt Disney World doesn't want you to see.

7. If you knew that it is a pain in the ass to get from the Orlando airport to Disney World, you may not come. When you get off the plane, you have to get on a crappy tram just to get to baggage claim.

6. Disney World is always under construction. There are always projects that get started and then abandoned. One of the structures left vacant for the longest time was the second phase of the Pop Century hotel called "The Legendary Years." Check out this video, and remember that Disney is now at work renovating these buildings. So, next time you stay at what will be the "Art of Animation" resort, remember that your room may have been the site where a teenage girl lost her virginity or a hobo did meth.

5. Remember, it takes hours of preparation and rehearsal to stage a Disney World parade. Now, watch this and remember how much Disney puts into all of their productions.

4. Go to Disney World, and no matter where you look you will see all kinds of information about the company's environmental initiatives. I am guessing this guy got fired.

3. Remember, this guy got off the ride right before you got on.

2. Remember friends, when you are dressed as a character, you are that character. If a guest is hasseling you, find a fellow cast member. Do not react like this.

1. Do I need to explain why Disney doesn't want you to see this video?

Monday, May 17, 2010

5 People Cooler Than Ronnie James Dio

This list cannot possibly be made. There are not five people cooler than Ronnie James Dio on this earth.

Rest in Peace, buddy.

Friday, May 14, 2010

6 Fantastic Videos that Feature Dancing Midgets

Midgets, dwarfs, little people, munchkins...

Whatever you call our short friends, do not call them handicapped for one second! These videos prove that you can go to the club and have a ton of fun, even if you are fun-sized!

6. You Got Served...By a Very Small Man

5. Meet Derrick

4. He's a Midget, He's a Transvestite, and He's into Politics

3. Nothing Can Keep Her from Dancing!

2. Gone, but Never Forgotten

1. Like You Didn't Know Who we Were Going to Put Here!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

10 Robots We'd Like to Party With

10. Bumble Bee from Transformers
Now, this is the Bumble Bee from the movies. You know, the one that liked to dance, sing and chase tail. There is really only one reason he is at the bottom of this list is that he is gigantic. He would break everything in your house - including your house.

9. M-O from Wall*E
There was nothing cool about M-O. He was an OCD jerk. Why do we want to party with him? Well, somebody has to clean up, and that is what this little guy was designed to do.

8. Kevin from Saved by the Bell
Kevin would be the perfect host for trivia nights at the bar. He was designed to know everything! Plus, he liked women and was designed to be forever loyal, so introduce him to a couple of hotties and there is a good chance he would give your team an unfair advantage.

7. The robots from Batteries Not Included
These little guys really would have no effect on what happens at your party. All they could really do was fly around and heal the elderly. Having them at your party would be like having a giant lava lamp or a hand chair. They are more of a conversation starter than anything.

6. Johnny 5 from Short Circuit
Johnny 5 is hilarious! Afraid you have a lame party? Bring in Johnny to pep things up. He's funny and can do some cool tricks with his eyes and hands - or is it his clamps? Either way, the guy was built to party. I seem to recall him wearing a Hawaiian shirt at one point. Nothing says "party" like a Hawaiian shirt!

5. R2-D2 from the Star Wars movies
R2 brings star power wherever he goes. Having him at your party could get you on TMZ!

4. Gigolo Joe from A.I.
Long story short, you want Gigolo Joe around because he will get you laid. That was his primary purpose! Whether he talks a flesh and blood woman into a Canadian three-way or he helps you find some sweet, robo-booty, the guy delivers.

3. Wall*E
He can smash anything - anything at all! Is there a better party trick? Plus, Wall*E is like a baby or a cute puppy. Look at those eyes. How could you not fall in love with him? You want him around, because ladies think he is adorable.

2. Bender from Futurama
There is no way around it. Bender is the coolest robot in history. Bring him to a party and it is a virtual gaurantee that your party will be "off the chain." Smoking, drinking, stealing stuff, punching people. One night with Bender is equal to a week of nights on the town with Charlie Sheen and Russell Crowe.

1. The Fembots from Austin Powers
Yes, this is a list for nerds, but we are neither dead nor gay. It doesn't matter how cool any of the other nine robots on this list are. The fact of the matter is if you are ever asked "hey, what movie robot would you like to party with?" and you do not answer "the fembots," there is something wrong with you.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

5 Album Covers That Look Like They Were Designed by an 11 Year Old

Rock album covers are an odd thing. They are a visual artist's chance to get in on the rock scene. Some graphic designers work their whole lives to get the chance to design a major label rock album cover. That said, let's be honest. Most of them suck! Here are a list of five album covers that aren't necessarily bad, they just look like something from the mind of a preteen.

5. Unknown Artists - Sing Out For Motorcycles
I don't know anything about this album other than the cover is perfect for this list.

4. Pearl Jam - Ten
This is the album cover that speaks to both the eleven year old loser and the eleven year old sports fan. What is your biggest concern when you're in sixth grade? Just fitting in, right? Well, what says "you're one of us" more than a raised, all-hands-in huddle? Also, there are five members of Pearl Jam. They look like a basketball team!

3. Nelson - Because They Can
Here's the joke the eleven year old that designed this album cover told his friend - "Get it? They're a couple of hot, blonde bitches."

2. Rush - Fly by Night
Why does this look like it was designed by an eleven year old? Because it doesn't look like the cover of a rock album. It looks like the cover of a Harry Potter book.

1. Scorpions - Love Drive
Let's not kid ourselves. We're all ridiculously horny at age 11, and it's actually an innocent type of horny. You can't even comprehend sex yet. Just the idea of seeing a boob - let alone touching one - is enough to blow your mind. This picture is every pre-pubescent boy's dream come true. The man will literally be touching boobs for the rest of his life. Never mind that the woman looks like she is about 55.

Friday, May 7, 2010

5 TV Moms That Were Probably Freaks in Bed

5. Carol Brady - The Brady Bunch
This one is so easy that she almost doesn't belong on the list. But, we have to tip our hats to a woman that married a gay guy just to band his son...oh wait, that was real life.

4. Mrs. Arnold - The Wonder Years
Say what you want about Karen Arnold, but for my money there is only one woman in that house that I would want to take to bed. The woman was an air head. Her husband was kind of a douche bag. Don't you think he got exactly what he wanted in the bedroom? So much went wrong in the old man's life. His two sons are idiots. His daughter married a hippie. Don't you think he took all that frustration out on Mrs. Arnold? And she let him. Why? Because she is a fine and good woman.

3. Laura Petrie - The Dick Van Dyke Show
In a time when women wore skirts and dresses Laura Petrie wore pants! She was willing to try new things...perhaps even new positions. Plus, her husband was a television writer. Imagine all the things she had to do at those tawdry Hollywood parties.

2. Lorelai Gilmore - Gilmore Girls
If I remember the story of the show right, didn't Lorelai have her kid when she was like 16? So we know she has plenty of practice. Also, she spent so much time making sure her daughter thought she was still cool. Do you really think that need to please didn't enter the bedroom? But here's the real reason that Lorelai is on this list. Can you name a mother/daughter combo that would be more ripe to participate in the elusive mother/daughter threesome?

1. Claire Huxtable - The Cosby Show
It is almost unfair how far ahead Claire Huxtable is of the rest of these women in the freak department. She was a lawyer. She spent most of her days arguing. Do you really think she didn't bring that passion into the bedroom? She was very street smart. Something tells me she knew her way around some bondage equipment. Plus she had five kids that her husband seemed to hate. Don't you think that he would have been stepping out on the whole family if Claire didn't take care of him? Wait a second. Vanessa looked nothing like the rest of the family. Could she be the unwanted result of a threesome? Claire Huxtable, you are a dirty girl!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

10 Endangered Species That Look Absolutely Delicious

10. Two Toed Sloth
Sloths are among the world's laziest animals. They very rarely move. So let's apply the logic behind veal to the two toed sloth. If they don't move very much, than the meat must be super tender and delicious. Time to open up a sloth farm!

9. Zanzibar Suni
He looks like an adorable baby deer. Here are two things I like. 1) Venison and 2) Veal. The Zanzibar Suni is the perfect combo!

8. Killer Whale
The killer whale is the black and white cookie of the sea. With that delicious chocolate and vanilla color pattern, you have to imagine that the meat is as sweet as can be. Plus, this guy eats shrimp all the time. If you are what you eat, I find it hard to leave him off of this list.

7. California Condor
I am just going to come out and say it. His neck looks delicious. It is like it is already a fine chicken cutlet. It is just waiting to be thrown on the grill. Plus, I'm a fan of buffalo wings. Those two things could keep your Super Bowl party hopping long after the game has gotten out of hand. Then there are the breasts. So much can be done with a fine poultry breast, and the California condor has plenty to go around.

6. Bald Ukari
I grew up on the gulf coats, so I see this little guy and immediately think crayfish. If we weren't meant to suck the meat from his head, than why is there nothing to protect it?

5. Dolphin
This one doesn't take a whole lot of explanation. People say Dolphins are one of the smartest animals on Earth. Really? Then why do they keep swimming into tuna nets? I know I am supposed to want to protect the little guys, but it seems to me that if they keep swimming into the nets, then they are meant to be eaten!

4. Shark Bay Mouse
The idea of eating a mouse may sound gross, but look at this little guy! It's like the Lord designed him to be part of a shishkabob. Just picture him between peppers and onions. Is your mouth watering yet? Mine is. Plus, less mass means more edible meat. If you're worried about the amount of poop in there, think of him like a shrimp. You have to clean it properly or the meat tastes funny.

3. Giant Panda
It is tempting to put the panda at number one, but I have so many questions. Like the killer whale, he looks like nature's black and white cookie, so part of me expects that panda meat would be sweet and delicious. At the same time, pandas exist on a very natural diet - all leaves and fruit. That makes me think he could taste like the finest steak around. The possibilities are indeed endless, but the lack of knowledge costs this guy the top spot.

2. Western Lowland Gorilla
If it's muscle that we're eating when we eat steaks or pork chops, than the western lowland gorilla is ideal for eating. He is virtually all muscle. You could simply grill your gorilla, but he also looks ripe for fine dining. Imagine a nice gorilla chop stuffed with spinach and feta cheese. Now we're talking! Plus, this is a guilt free endangered meal. Gorilla's never really look happy. They always seem pissed off. The look on their face makes them look like inmates on death row.

1. Rhinoceros
Barbecue fans know exactly why I put this guy at the top of the list. Look at those ribs! Plus, he looks like a very large pig, which probably means that rhino bacon ain't half bad and you can dry out his ears and feed them to the dog. Rhinoceros really is the endangered animal that keeps on giving.