Tuesday, May 18, 2010

7 Videos That Disney World Doesn't Want You to See

Disney World is the ideal vacation spot for families. Sure it's a little expensive, but you will earn major points with your kids. It is a family friendly image that the Walt Disney Company goes to great lengths to protect. With that in mind, today's Big, Stupid List may get us on some watch lists in Orlando and Anaheim. Here are seven videos Walt Disney World doesn't want you to see.

7. If you knew that it is a pain in the ass to get from the Orlando airport to Disney World, you may not come. When you get off the plane, you have to get on a crappy tram just to get to baggage claim.

6. Disney World is always under construction. There are always projects that get started and then abandoned. One of the structures left vacant for the longest time was the second phase of the Pop Century hotel called "The Legendary Years." Check out this video, and remember that Disney is now at work renovating these buildings. So, next time you stay at what will be the "Art of Animation" resort, remember that your room may have been the site where a teenage girl lost her virginity or a hobo did meth.

5. Remember, it takes hours of preparation and rehearsal to stage a Disney World parade. Now, watch this and remember how much Disney puts into all of their productions.

4. Go to Disney World, and no matter where you look you will see all kinds of information about the company's environmental initiatives. I am guessing this guy got fired.

3. Remember, this guy got off the ride right before you got on.

2. Remember friends, when you are dressed as a character, you are that character. If a guest is hasseling you, find a fellow cast member. Do not react like this.

1. Do I need to explain why Disney doesn't want you to see this video?

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